martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

RAW EDGES. Spring 2012.

Model of last collection that I made for Spain brand (made in Menorca), Patricia Spring 2012. Gradually,
the intention is to renew the brand image, using high-end materials and give importance to the finishes. Raw edges, clean lines, are the features of this wedge.

Modelo de la última colección que he realizado para una marca española (fabricada en Menorca), Patricia Verano 2012. Poco a poco, la intención es ir renovando la imagen de la marca, usando materiales de alta calidad y dando importancia a los acabados. Cortes al canto, lineas depuradas, son las características de esta cuña. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow! It's so interesting to see the work of someone who worked for Zara because I'm a huge fan of the brand :)
    I've looked through your previous posts and I really like your sketches and designs! I think you'll do great for this new brand you're working for - these red wedges are amazing! I love the color!

  2. Cool shoes!! I really like them!

    Mes Voyages à Paris
    Street & Personal Style
